Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fall Out Boy

                                                                      Fall Out Boy

               Fall Out Boy is an amazing band. The band mates names' are Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, and Andy Hurley. My favorite songs by them are Dance Dance, This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race, Sugar We're Going Down, 7 Minutes In Heaven, and most importantly, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up).
                    Patrick is currently 29 years old, and his birth date is on April 27. Pete is 34 years old, and his birth date is on June 5. Joe is 29 years old, and his birth date is on September 1. Last but not least, Andy is 33 years old, and his birth date is May 31.
                       Patrick is from Evanston IL, Pete is from Wilmette, IL, Joe is from Los Angeles, CA, and Andy is from Milwaukee, WI.

                                                                 Fall Out Boy are my idols.


Success Statement #5

                                                               Success Statement #5

"To know what is right and not to do it, is the worst cowardice."

Reflection: This quote means that knowing the difference between right and wrong, and still choosing to do the wrong, makes you a coward. Doing the wrong is simple, as well as doing the right. There is no need to do the wrong. If you choose to do the wrong, like stealing, then might as well attend to the consequences when you get caught, and most likely you'll have to pay a fine or pay some time in prison.

Bio-medical Engineer Part 2

                                                             Biomedical Engineer
                                                                         Part 2
Educational Requirements:

                      Students must take the most challenging science, math, English courses available in high school.
             All biomedical engineers have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Many have advanced graduate degrees as well. Courses of study include a sound background in mechanical, chemical, or industrial engineering, and specialized biomedical training. Most programs last from four to six years and all states require biomedical engineers to pass examinations and be licensed.

                                             CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

My Summer

                                                      My Summer

          My summer this year was okay. I mostly spent my days at home. Other days, I went and stayed over at my Godmother’s home. This summer was really hot, so I took a shower every day.

                   My summer schedule went like this:

1.       Wake up and eat a banana + drink some orange juice

2.      Brush my teeth and tie up my hair

3.     I put on my tank top and some shorts + my running shoes. Then I fed my turtles, and watered my mom’s plants.

4.    I went running at the park by my house for about an hour, starting at exactly 6:45 a.m.

5.     I got home back from running and I got in the shower

6.     When dressed, I either started reading, or I started with my chores

7.     When done with either of those, I thought of things I could do for the day, or I went to the store to buy groceries.

8.     When I got home from the store/market, I ate some lunch & then again, fed my turtles.

9.     At about 4:00 p.m., I started washing the dishes and then after that I relaxed/took a nap for some time

10.  By the time I woke up, it was like 4:35 p.m., and I gave myself some time on the phone.

11.    After using my phone for a while, I started watching T.V. around 7:00p.m.

12.   At 7:45 p.m., I ate dinner and once again, fed my turtles.

13.  By 9:00 p.m., I head on to go brush my teeth and by 10:00 p.m. I was in bed after a long day.

                   There were days where my schedule couldn’t be done exactly in order. Sometimes I didn’t run because I slept past my alarm, or I couldn’t have a nap because my chores weren’t done. One way or another, I tried following everything on my schedule.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


           Turtles. Turtles are awesome. Turtles are my favorite animal. I love turtles.

The End.

Student Success Statement #4

                                                        Student Success Statement #4

"Always do right."
                           -Mark Twain

Reflection: This quote is referring to doing the right, always. You have to do the right everywhere you go. To the store, church, at a friend's house. Now suppose someone was to get bullied at school. If you saw the bully hurting the victim, whether verbally or physically, do what's right and go tell an adult. Just standing there and watching, may label you as a accomplice or a bystander, and you wouldn't want to live that, knowing you didn't help someone in need, do you? So, always do the right, and maybe someday someone will help you out when you're in need.

Bio-medical Engineer Part 1

                                                         Bio-medical Engineer
                                                                    Part 1
Duties and Responsibilities:

             Biomedical Engineers use engineering principles to solve health related and medical problems. They do a lot of research in conjunction with life scientists, chemists, and medical professionals to design medical devices like artificial hearts, pacemakers, dialysis machines, and surgical lasers. Some conduct research on biological and other life systems or investigate ways to modernize laboratory and clinical procedures.
                Frequently, biomedical engineers supervise biomedical equipment maintenance technicians, investigate medical equipment failure, and advise hospitals and installing new equipment.

Biomedical engineers work in hospitals, universities, industry, and research laboratories.

Average Salary: $29,000 - $600,000

                                                    CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Student Success Statement #3

                                                    Student Success Statement

"Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time."
                                                                                            -Arnold H. Glasgow

Reflection: This quote means in order to be successful, all you need is do the right thing.


Duties and Responsibilities:
                     Audiologists work with patients who have hearing disorders. They may work in hospitals or clinics, private practice, schools, or universities, nursing homes, industry, or research laboratories. They perform examination, tests, and evaluations as well as provide treatment.

Audiologists often:
·         Test and measure hearing functions.
·         Identify types of hearing disorders.
·         Develop and provide patient rehabilitation plans and programs.
·         Conduct audio logical research.
·         Provide educational, medical, and professional consultations.
·         Recommend, dispense, and test hearing aids.

Average Salary: $30,000 - $50,000

Educational Requirements:
·         Students should take the most challenging high school courses (including AP or IB courses) available in science, math, English, and speech.

Audiologists have master’s degrees in audiology and are licensed.

                                             CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Student Success Statement #2

                                                                 Student Success Statement #2

"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do."
                                                                                                                       -Richard L. Evans

Reflection: This quote is stating that we should have the courage to do the right, and as well, have the courage to stop doing the wrong. For example, if you use drugs but pass all your classes at school, you should continue on doing the right by still passing all your classes, and you should stop doing the wrong, because it can bring you down.

Athletic Trainer

                                                                Athletic Trainer
Duties and Responsibilities:
                Athletic trainers work with athletic teams, athletes, coaches, and sports medicine programs. They help develop training programs to prevent injuries as well as rehabilitation programs for the injured. They treat injured athletes under the direction of team or sports medicine physicians. Before athletic events they will bandage, wrap, and affix braces to prevent injuries. They work on the muscles of athletes before and after events. In addition, they may set up nutritional diets and meals for athletes in training. Athletic trainers will also advise on protective gear and on training equipment.
               Athletic trainers work for sports teams, schools, colleges, clinics, health clubs, corporations, and hospitals.

Average Salary: $25,000 - $35,000

Educational Requirements:

·         Students should take challenging science, math, and English courses in high school.
·         To be certified athletic trainer, students must complete an educational program that includes 1,500 hours of supervised clinical experience. Most programs result in a bachelor’s degree from a college with an emphasis in physical education.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable."
                                                           -Peter F. Drucker

Reflection: I think that Drucker is referring to do the right, instead of doing something that others accept, and you're just following them, like follow the leader, but remember, follow the leader was meant to follow the most honest and greatest leader, so if this so called "leader" decides to do what is "acceptable", then you're just following to be accepted, and you're choosing the wrong.

Allopathic Physician Part 2

              Allopathic Physician (M.D.)
                                                                                Part 2
Educational Requirements:
                Students should take the most challenging high school courses (including AP courses) available in science, math, and English.
                After three or four years of college, prospective physicians must attend medical school. Undergraduate requirements for admission to all medical schools include one year of basic chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, one year in biology, and one year of physics. Some medical schools also require course work in calculus, English, the humanities, or social science.
                Medical school usually includes two years of additional study in both basic and clinical sciences and is followed by a year-long hospital internship. Physicians who want to specialize must then undertake a three-year residency in their specialty.
                                                       CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Allopathic Physician

Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine
         Daily Enrichment for
       “Health-Related Careers and Descriptions”
                                                                Allopathic Physician (M.D.)
                                                                                Part 1
Duties and Responsibilities
                Allopathic physicians, M.D.s, are medical doctors who treat disease and injury using counteractive methods. For example, they will prescribe antibiotics to kill bacteria that have caused an infection. Allopathic physicians often work in public or private hospitals or clinics and may have private practices. Their work hours can be long and irregular. Although many allopathic physicians become internists, generalists, or family practitioners, most specialize in other medical fields.
Specialties include:
·         Anesthesiologist – administers anesthesia
·         Cardiologist – treats heart disease
·         Dermatologist – treats skin conditions
·         Gastroenterologist – treats digestive problems
·         Gerontologist – provides care for the elderly
·         Gynecologist – treats female reproductive system problems
·         Neurologist – treats brain and nervous system problems
·         Obstetrician – provides pregnancy care and delivers babies
·         Oncologist – treats cancers
·         Orthopedist – treats skeletal problems
·         Pathologist – interprets disease in tissues
·         Pediatrician – provides care for children
·         Pulmonologist – treats respiratory problems
·         Surgeon – performs operations
·         Urologist – treats urinary problems
Average Salary: $100,000 - $275,000

                                                                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!