Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Summer

                                                      My Summer

          My summer this year was okay. I mostly spent my days at home. Other days, I went and stayed over at my Godmother’s home. This summer was really hot, so I took a shower every day.

                   My summer schedule went like this:

1.       Wake up and eat a banana + drink some orange juice

2.      Brush my teeth and tie up my hair

3.     I put on my tank top and some shorts + my running shoes. Then I fed my turtles, and watered my mom’s plants.

4.    I went running at the park by my house for about an hour, starting at exactly 6:45 a.m.

5.     I got home back from running and I got in the shower

6.     When dressed, I either started reading, or I started with my chores

7.     When done with either of those, I thought of things I could do for the day, or I went to the store to buy groceries.

8.     When I got home from the store/market, I ate some lunch & then again, fed my turtles.

9.     At about 4:00 p.m., I started washing the dishes and then after that I relaxed/took a nap for some time

10.  By the time I woke up, it was like 4:35 p.m., and I gave myself some time on the phone.

11.    After using my phone for a while, I started watching T.V. around 7:00p.m.

12.   At 7:45 p.m., I ate dinner and once again, fed my turtles.

13.  By 9:00 p.m., I head on to go brush my teeth and by 10:00 p.m. I was in bed after a long day.

                   There were days where my schedule couldn’t be done exactly in order. Sometimes I didn’t run because I slept past my alarm, or I couldn’t have a nap because my chores weren’t done. One way or another, I tried following everything on my schedule.

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