Wednesday, April 9, 2014

25 Acts of Kindness

Below are 25 Acts of Kindness that I really love:

  1. Helping out an elderly with the groceries.
  2. Opening the door for someone.
  3. Giving an elderly, disabled, or pregnant woman your seat on the bus.
  4. Being kind to your parents.
  5. Respecting your elders.
  6. Help out a person if they're being bullied.
  7. Not being rude.
  8. Helping out someone on homework.
  9. Return stolen or found objects.
  10. Help an elderly cross the street.
  11. Make a child happy instead of sad.
  12. Compliment others.
  13. Volunteer at places that need help.
  14. Give to those who are homeless and needy.
  15. Help out people who have disabilities.
  16. Show your support to those who have lost a loved one.
  17. Taking care of your pets responsibly.
  18. Help siblings out on homework.
  19. Wash the dishes when the sink is full.
  20. Putting a coin in an expired meter.
  21. Give the waiter/waitress that served you a tip.
  22. Donate books you no longer read to the library.
  23. Write thank-you letters to people who mean a lot to you.
  24. Donate old clothes you no longer wear.
  25. Just simply smile at someone.


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