Friday, May 2, 2014

Student Success Statement #72

"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating."
                                                - Sophocles

Reflection: Honestly I would like the same. I would much rather fail and have a good feeling in my heart knowing that I didn't cheat and I tried my hardest at whatever I was trying to accomplish. I know that by cheating I'm choosing the wrong and that is not okay. Cheating can bring consequences to one and those consequences can bring you down. For example, what if you really want to graduate from college and you have an important test you must take. If you cheat, sure there may be a chance where you actually pass the exam and get a high score. When you enter your profession and you are asked to do something, guess what? You don't know what to do because you cheated on that exam that was so informative and you didn't even bother to read the information because you knew you were going to get a great score anyway because you had the right answers. You have just been caught on what you did and now you are jobless and miserable. Who's fault is that? YOURS. You took that decision and there are the consequences. It's better to fail 100 times if possible than to win by cheating because you learn from your mistakes every time you fail, and that, now that makes you a better person each time.

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